Hello, I work as a research associate at the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo. My current research is about computer networks and blockchain. Previously, I earned a Master of Mathematics degree and a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from the same institution. My master’s thesis focuses on mitigating signalling storms in 5G cellular networks.
Throughout my studies, I have explored advanced fields such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, 5G cellular networks, and space networks. I have realized that many modern technological advancements arise from solving important problems with simple and effective ideas. Thus, this is the first principle I follow while conducting my research. Unfortunately, the problems I solve are not significant enough to be game changers. Perhaps this is why we often say that finding a good problem to solve is 50% of success. Another research principle I adhere to is practicality. I believe an idea in computer science is only useful when it shows potential to address real-world problems. In my related research fields, this mainly involves scalability and use case scenarios.
Over the years, I have found that I enjoy performing data analytics, forecasting, and reasoning to discover phenomena and trends in the real world. However, I am even more passionate about designing scalable communication systems and protocols. The trade-off between security, efficiency, and reliability is fascinating.
- [2024 master’s thesis] B Zhang “Mitigating Signalling Storms in 5G”, University of Waterloo, pp. 1-112.
- [2024 IEEE/IFIP CNSM, full paper] B Zhang, M Salahuddin, P Hu, Y Wang, N Limam, B Sun, D Barradas, R Boutaba “Signalling Load-aware Conditional Handover in 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks”, 20th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Network and Service Management, pp. 1-9.
- [2024 IEEE ICC, full paper] B Zhang, P Hu, A Azirani, M Salahuddin, D Barradas, N Limam, R Boutaba “Secure and Efficient Group Handover Protocol in 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 1-6.
- [2023 IEEE/IFIP CNSM, full paper] B Zhang, P Zeinaty, N Limam, R Boutaba “Mitigating Signaling Storms in 5G with Blockchain-assisted 5GAKA”, 19th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Network and Service Management, pp. 1-9.
- [2022 EAI SecureComm, full paper] P Momeni, S Gorbunov, B Zhang “FairBlock: Preventing Blockchain Front-running with Minimal Overheads”, 18th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Systems, pp. 1-22.
- Research Associate, University of Waterloo, 2024.9-Present, (Blockchain, DeFi)
- Graduate Research Assistant, University of Waterloo, 2022.9-2024.9, (5G, 5G NTN, Security)
- Teaching Assistant/Instructional Apprentice, University of Waterloo, 2022.9-2024.9, (Grading, Tutoring, Tutorial session)
- Security Engineer, QuantStamp Inc., 2022.5-2022.9, (Smart contract audit, Automatic vulnerability assessment)
- Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Waterloo, 2021.1-2021.10, (Blockchain, Threshold signature, Generative adversarial networks)
- Invited Reviewer, (Oxford University Press The Computer Journal; IEEE The Journal of Communications and Networks)
- [2022 72,000 CAD] Graduate Research Studentship
- [2022 12,500 CAD] International Master’s Award of Excellence
- [2021] Dean’s Honours List
- [2018 10,000 CAD] University of Waterloo International Student Entrance Scholarship
- [2018 2,000 CAD] President’s Scholarships
Email: bohan.zhang@uwaterloo.ca